NEOEA Special Education Work Group

OEA Special Education Work Group
New Business Item – PASSED Overwhelmingly at OEA RA

==>> If you are interested in serving on the new OEA Special Education Work Group, please contact OEA President Becky Higgins directly with your qualifications. She will appoint members and set up the first meeting.

==>> Continue to check this page and watch for emails for news about the new OEA Special Education Work Group.

Motion to: Create an OEA Special Education Work Group to develop recommendations for professional development programs, sample contract language, OEA Resolutions, and OEA Legislative Policies that would address the needs of OEA members involved in or supporting education programs for students with special needs.

One time action: 10 – 12 members, 3 – 6 meetings over 1 – 2 years

Rationale: OEA members in all settings, especially the roughly 15% that identify as working in special education, report they face critical challenges obtaining and providing the additional supports and accommodations for students with special needs to be successful.  The overwhelming concern is for more professional development for teachers, paraprofessionals, and support staff; especially in the areas of appropriate IEPs, classroom, and behavior management.  Critically important are the issues of staffing, case load, and planning time. Members state that they are stretched too thinly to adequately meet the needs of their students. Contract language needs to be looked at.  Furthermore, the OEA Resolutions and Legislative Policies should be reviewed to assure that they adequately address the needs of members involved with special education.

==>> When the OEA Special Education Work Group completes its work, there will be a need for an OEA organization to continue advocacy for Pre-K-12 Special Educators within OEA.  OADDP is ready to fill that void.  At its March 2-3, 2018, Spring Conference, OADDP will consider changing its name to Ohio Association of Special Needs Professionals (OASNP) and re-brand the previously County Board of Developmental Disabilities focused organization to one more focused on Pre-K-12 educators in our local schools.  Please consider attending the conference.  The theme is Turning Challenging Behaviors into Opportunities presented by Daria DeNoia, OEA Education Policy and Practice Consultant.  For more information visit the OADDP 2018 Annual Conference Page for more information.  Registration will begin in mid-January.