Random Acts of Kindness

This school year, the Happy Day School elementary aged students in Room 14 have been doing random acts of kindness.  Prior to COVID19, Room 14 had partnered with one of Ravenna Public School’s elementary classroom.  Our students would visit Ravenna’s school monthly to socialize and experience what a public-school classroom was like through reading, music and art.  One of the random acts of kindness activity we did with our Ravenna friends was making heart shaped bird food feeders to hang outside at our homes and schools.  Since COVID19 has closed the schools, our classes have not been able to socialize, but the students in Room 14 through a ZOOM meeting, created thank-you cards to send to nurses and doctors.  Our next random act of kindness, again through a ZOOM meeting, will be making dog biscuits for our own dogs and our neighbors’ dogs, since the dogs have been sharing their daytime space with us.  Room 14 students and staff are planning to continue our random acts of kindness even when we cannot physically be together.  Their teacher’s motto is to do a random act of kindness daily.