OADDP Friend of DD Award

The Ohio Association of Developmental Disabilities Professionals seeks nominees for the OADDP Friend of DD Award

The OADDP is seeking to recognize its second Friend of DD.  OADDP’s members are encouraged to nominate individuals and/or organizations who would be worthy recipients of this honor.  If a Friend of DD is selected, the nominee will be honored at the 2018 OADDP Annual Membership Conference in March.

The OADDP Friend of DD Award recognizes a person and/or organization whose leadership, actions, and support have contributed to the improvement of public education and habilitation of people with developmental disabilities; and/or have helped to provide a collective voice for the staff who work with them.

OADDP’s Friend of DD Award may be bestowed upon any person or organization whose leadership, actions, and support are consistent with the stated purpose.

Any member of OADDP may nominate an individual or organization for the Friend of DD Award.

The deadline for submitting nominations is Wednesday, January 15, 2018.  Nominations must be signed by an OADDP active member in good standing.

Download form, go to our Members Only Page.